RainCoast Farm

100% All Natural

Order Your Pepper Plants!

RainCoast Farm promotes organic farming techniques and our curated Pepper plants are lovingly nurtured from seed in our ‘natural’ blend of infused living soil. They are rooted and available for sale in either 4 inch or 1 gallon size starter pots.

This Year Go Beyond Organic With Living Soil You Create in Your Own Backyard!

Every order over $20 comes with a free 500ml bottle of our Living Soil Liquid

Orders over $50 receive 3 litres of fermented alfalfa fertilizer

Orders over $100 receive 500ml purple non sulphur bacteria culture

We provide complete instruction on how to make more and use these amazing new products in your garden to create a dynamic soil food web to boost your soil’s fertility and grow beautiful healthy plants

Living Soil is an exciting new trend in regenerative organic gardening which focuses on creating and nurturing a diverse dynamic community of soil life in your garden

At RainCoast Farm all our starter plants are germinated and nurtured in our unique blend of biologically active living soil made from worm castings and other powerful growth stimulants

As they grow we feed our plants fermented alfalfa tea and liquid worm castings and regularly use foliar sprays of diluted living soil liquid and purple non-sulphur bacteria to ensures our plants come with a thriving community of beneficial soil life

When you transplant starter plants grown in our living soil, they infuse your garden with a unique population of beneficial soil life organisms

These ‘soil super heroes’ help unlock the fertility of your soil and can be used to quickly transform material such as kitchen scraps, weeds and other organic wastes into plant nutrients and plant growth promoting compounds

As a result, plants started in our living soil are super healthy, extremely lush and exceptionally tasty and can enhance the productivity of your existing soil


Taste The RainCoast Farm difference!

Pepper plants available this year

Detailed Description Of Pepper Varieties

Barron (sweet red bell)

Baron Pepper is a big and versatile sweet bell pepper that is delicious eaten fresh or roasted. The nearly 3-foot high plant produces a high yield of 4-inch long sweet peppers. Bell peppers get sweeter and more flavourful the longer they stay on the plant, about 70 to 75 days for full maturity. You can, however, harvest Baron peppers when they’re still green, especially for cooking. Plant two of these delicious bell pepper plants, so you have one for early harvest as needed and one that can grow more fruit to full, red sweetness. When harvesting, gently cut the pepper stem; avoid twisting it to remove. Like most bell peppers, Baron Pepper is at the bottom of the Scoville rating for heat, but it’s crispy, sweet and delicious. Baron Pepper plants grow in an upright shape, reaching nearly as big around (2 to 3 feet) as they are tall. Peppers form from small white flowers all around the plant.

Golden California Wonder (sweet yellow bell pepper)

Golden ‘Calwonder’ peppers are about 3 3/4″ long by 3 1/2″ wide.Peppers turn from emerald green to a golden color when ready to pick. Block style pepper great for stuffing. Wonderful is stir fries, fresh in salads or just about anyway you want to eat a sweet pepper. This has to be my absolute favorite sweet pepper.Golden Calwonder pepper is so sweet, juicy and tasty. Beyond perfect for eating fresh even off the plant! They are that mild and delicious.

Hungarian Hot Wax (great for pickling and cooking) (SOLD OUT - TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE - Check back soon for availability)

Hungarian Hot Wax is an early and prolific pepper variety that produces well, even in places with shorter seasons. The peppers are 5-6 inches long and have a good amount of heat, usually ranging from 5,000-10,000 Scoville units. They get spicier and change colour from yellow to orange-red as the summer heats up.
60 (yellow) to 80 days (red). Heirloom Hot Pepper Seeds. Hungarian Wax Heirloom Hot Peppers are dependable, productive and one of the best for our shorter Canadian growing season. The smooth 5 ½ inch fruit are red and yellow are comparable to jalapenos in terms of heat; 5,000-10,000 SHU.
A great, mild chili for northern gardens.
This is a great all around heirloom hot pepper variety, adaptable to any home organic garden. (Grow cycle approx. 72 Days).

Sweet Banana (sweet, crunchy, delicious!)

Sweet banana peppers are more typically used for pickling or eating fresh. They are usually picked when they are immature and have a light-yellow color. You can still allow them to ripen to red, but they will lose some of their crispness and become slightly sweeter.

Cayenne (*hot peppers)

Large Red Thick Cayenne is an extremely productive and spicy hot pepper variety! Vigorous 30 inch plants tons of slightly crinkled peppers that are 5-7 inches long, 1-11/2 inches wide, and turn from dark green to deep red when fully ripe. Cayenne Peppers are extremely hot, usually ranging 30,000-60,000 Scoville Heat Units and are fantastic for cooking numerous cuisines, drying, or grinding into powder! (Grow cycle approx. 75 Days).

Quality Product

100% all natural plants during each growing season. Strawberries, Raspberries, Tomatoes, Peppers and more!

Fast Delivery

Your Pepper plants will be delivered to one of our collection points or you can pick up your pre-paid order at the farm gate.


RainCoast Farm has 23 years of growing experience and hundreds of satisfied repeat customers!